Monday Oct 6

Location: Aula Magna, room Kungstenen
Theme: Introduction – status of knowledge

1200 : Opening / presentation of the program and the participants
1230 : Trond Solhaug: Theory and understandings of democracy and citizenship
1400 : Break
1430 : Maria Olson: Citizenship, education and democratic life – tensions and challenges
1600 : Presentation of research projects/research ideas from participants
1800 : End of Day 1

Tuesday Oct 7

Location: Aula Magna, room Kungstenen
Theme: Ethnicity, gender and national identities in different school subjects and in education

0900 : Lars Laird Iversen: Disagreement Communities: A look at the democratic interaction – diversity, national identity and religion in schools
1030 : Karin Sporre: Gender, religion and democracy: theoretical and research
methodological perspectives
1200 : Lunch
1300 : Svein Lorentzen and Johan Sandahl: Nation, school and citizenship
1430 : Presentation of research projects / research ideas from participants
1730 : End of Day 2
1800 : Open for spontaneous social activities

Wednesday Oct 8

Location: Aula Magna, room Bergsmannen
Theme: Democratic participation and citizenship in and outside of the Nordic countries

0900 : Annika Rabo: How the citizen emerges in texts and in policy in school contexts –
Sweden, Lebanon and Turkey
1030 : Erik Amnå: New patterns in youth political participation - implications for school
1200 : Lunch
1300 : Robert Jackson: European developments in intercultural education - including the
religious dimension. From a policy signpost document two research possibilities (prel.
1430 : Presentation of research projects / research ideas from participants
1730 : End of Day 3
1800 : Course Dinner

Thursday Oct 9

Location: Aula Magna, room Kungstenen
Theme: Looking forward

0900 : Gert J. J. Biesta: Turning power into authority: Education and democracy
1030 : Break
1100 : Panel, discussion – Biesta et al
1200 : Summary, conclusion
1400 : Lunch