In the research project BONUS BAMBI we investigate genetic diversity and local adaptation of species in the Baltic Sea. We also investigate how information of genetic diversity is used in management.

We have found that there is a great need for more discussions and knowledge exchange between scientists and end users on how genetic diversity can be used in marine conservation, fisheries management, and establishment and management of marine protected areas.

Therefore, we arrange BaltGene 2017 - a networking opportunity for managers, policymakers and scientists.

Besides inspiring talks on genetic biodiversity in marine management from top researchers and managers, the programme includes several group discussions; both informal and more organized in workshops.

Last day for registration:  Tuesday June 20.
Conference fee: Conference including coffee and meals are free. Participants pay for accommodation at a discounted rate.
Information, programme and registration:
Contact: Mari Edman, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University

Welcome to BaltGene 2017!