Stockholm university

Marcus Högås


Current: Basåret (matematik), Matematik I, Matematik för Naturvetenskaper I, Förberedande kurs i matematik, Matematik för grundlärare årskurs 4-6 III: Algebra, sannolikhet, statistik, samband och förändring

Previous: General relativity, Analytical mechanics, Mechanics I


My research interests include gravity and cosmology. Einstein’s theory of general relativity is a well-established theory for gravitation and it has strong empirical support. However, there are several anomalies suggesting that it is not the final theory for gravity. In my research, I analyze whether these anomalies can be explained by some new theory of gravity. To decide which theories are viable, we must understand what predictions they make. Among other things, I am analyzing how these alternative theories behave with respect to cosmology, gravitational waves, and the origin of black holes.

Research projects