Open Access publishing agreements
As a researcher at Stockholm University, authors can benefit from many publishing agreements that include free open access publishing – covered by the library. The university now has agreements with several of the major publishers, including Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, SAGE, Springer Nature and Wiley. This means that open access publishing is cost-free for researchers at Stockholm University.*
Currently, it is not easy to know in which journals authors can publish articles as open access. At the library, we get queries about which journals are included in our agreements and whether the library covers the APC or not. Information per publisher/agreement can be found on the library web pages. To check which rules apply to any specific journal, the author needs to know the publisher of the journal and visit the library’s publisher specific agreement pages for information and spreadsheets with journal title lists.
Easier to find journals with cost-free OA publishing
The new search tool will simplify this. All journals covered by our agreements are included in the tool, which contains nearly 12,000 journals. From a quick search, users can see summary information at the journal level and, if needed, click through to the library’s publisher agreement pages. These publisher specific information pages offer detailed information on how to get journal articles published open access within the agreements arranged through Stockholm University Library.
The search tool, which has been developed in collaboration with Scientific Freedom (SciFree AB), is openly available online and is now released in a beta version. We are happy to receive comments via openaccess@su.se, and you are welcome to disseminate information about the search tool to research colleagues and others who may be interested.
If your journal is not found in the search tool, then it may be because it is not included in any of our agreements. If it is a fully OA journal, the library could still cover the APC - please contact us at openaccess@su.se and ask!
* For a small number of subscriptionbased hybrid journals the APC is discounted, but not covered by the library.