Centre's director, Professor Åke Bergman, County Governor Chris-Heister and University Chancellor Harriet Wallberg.

Swetox will also work for strong international relationships – the Centre's director, Professor Åke Bergman was hoping for "a lab on every continent" in his inaugural speech.

Several of the speakers at the opening ceremony spoke about the deathblow when AstraZeneca shut down their research in Södertälje. But also about the joy that the dialogue between the county administration, academia and financiers so quickly led the fully equipped premises back to service.

– We will work with all the disciplines of toxicology, but also with risk assessment, health economics and regulatory issues. Anything that can lead to our goal – a chemically safe world, says Åke Bergman.

To interact and communicate with the rest of society is also an important task for the 25 people working at Swetox.

Chefen för Swetox Åke Bergman, landshövding Chris Heister, styrelseordförande Harriet Wallberg
Unveiling of the Swetox sign.

It's not just Åke Bergman at Swetox who has a connection to Stockholm University. One of the four sponsors who unveiled the Swetox sign on Tuesday was Gia Destouni, Professor of Hydrology and Director General of the Swedish Research Council Formas. Professor Dag Jenssen, The Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute and Anna Forsby, Associate Professor at the Department of Neurochemistry are among the staff.

All eleven universities are represented on the board. From Stockholm University: Elena Gorokhova, Professor at the Department of Applied Environmental Science and Margareta Törnqvist, Professor at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry.