Stockholms universitet

Stefan FleischmannSystemadministratör

Om mig

Jag jobbar hos SciLifeLab vid Cryo-EM Infrastructure Unit och forskningsgruppen Molecular Biophysics

Jag tar hand om

  • Ceph storage cluster
  • GPU computer cluster (Slurm) och installation av Cryo-EM & MD programvaror
  • Cryo-EM mikroskop nätverk-, lagrings- och beräkningsinfrastruktur
  • Kubernetes cluster
  • LDAP, MAAS, virtuella maskiner och container (KVM, LXC/LXD), Salt, Ansible, etc.
  • Arbetsstationer
  • allt annat som kan köra GNU/Linux ;-)


Research group: Erik Lindahl


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Using Scipion for stream image processing at Cryo-EM facilities

    2018. J. Gómez-Blanco (et al.). Journal of Structural Biology 204 (3), 457-463


    Three dimensional electron microscopy is becoming a very data-intensive field in which vast amounts of experimental images are acquired at high speed. To manage such large-scale projects, we had previously developed a modular workflow system called Scipion (de la Rosa-Trevfn et al., 2016). We present here a major extension of Scipion that allows processing of EM images while the data is being acquired. This approach helps to detect problems at early stages, saves computing time and provides users with a detailed evaluation of the data quality before the acquisition is finished. At present, Scipion has been deployed and is in production mode in seven Cryo-EM facilities throughout the world.

    Läs mer om Using Scipion for stream image processing at Cryo-EM facilities

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