SUBIC's opening hours during summer

SUBIC's opening hours during summer
We will be open during summer but with very limited support. 

Door code
From the 8th of July to the 1st of August, to enter SUBIC you will need to enter your code for the security card to open the doors. The code is normally the 4 last digits of your "personnummer".
Note: If you type in the code wrongly 3 times, your card will be blocked. Contact or SU service center to get your card reactivated.

Alarm on doors
If doors with access restriction are kept open for a longer period of time, the alarm will ring, security of SU will be informed and we will pay a fine. Please be careful to not leave doors open. 


Lab routines
Please pay extra attention to the lab routines, as there will be limited support available.


We wish you a happy summer!