Climate Arena hosts workshop on policy measures for a climate-responsible world by 2045

The Bolin Centre Climate Arena held a workshop on March 22nd, 2023, “Backcasting to our current reality” to identify policy measures and actions necessary for a climate-responsible world by 2045. Participatory backcasting, a normative approach that works backward from a desired endpoint, was used. "Must-haves" elements identified include new systems for the economy, education, legislation, politics, and communication.

During the plenary discussion, various ideas ranging from deep systemic changes to more immediate shallow measures were proposed, including implementing a global ecocide law, creating a global agreement to stop fossil fuel subsidies, establishing a global system for payments for ecosystem services, and encouraging a deliberative collaborative democracy that prioritizes the environment and sustainability. Participants emphasized the need for policy measures and actions to achieve a sustainable future and discussed specific steps to promote sustainable practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, 2030, and 2045.

By 2025, participants recommended the development of networks of civil society and the general public to create GHG emission reduction measures, implementing a national ticket system and national fees for public transport to promote sustainable transport, and transforming food production systems to lower resource and area use. Participants also recommended taking political measures to decrease inequality and promote a deliberative collaborative democracy. To promote sustainability, courses in climate inspiration should be created, and sustainability should be prioritized in the educational system. Recycling should be promoted, climate insurance solutions should be researched, and subsidies for electrification in rural poor areas should be reinstated.

By 2030, participants recommended implementing deliberate democracy within the governance of institutions, putting climate insurance solutions in place, influencing policymakers to end ecocide globally and introduce a global ecocide law, eliminating fossil fuels, introducing a global CO2 tax, and agreeing upon a global fee when extracting natural resources. Long-term investments in sustainable food production should be made, and a new notion of a good life should be introduced.

By 2045, participants recommended adopting a new economic model that prioritizes ecocentrism, strengthening democracy through deliberate democracy, and prioritizing energy with a complete switch to electric or hydrogen power vehicles for terrestrial transport and 100% renewable energy from wind, solar, and hydropower. Global policies should be put in place to protect nature's rights and reduce ecocide. Sustainable production and waste management should be improved, and responsible investment in new technology should be encouraged. Private sector companies should be encouraged to think in the long term, and Swedish politics should prioritize strong leadership for sustainability in the public sector.

Overall, the discussions highlighted the need for collective action and a shift towards ecocentrism to achieve a sustainable future. Participants emphasized the importance of prioritizing sustainable practices and implementing policies that prioritize the well-being of the planet over individual gain. Collaboration and deliberate action will be essential to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

More on Bolin Centre's Climate Arena and other workshop reports