Funding of small grants (seed money) from RT4 | Climate, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

We hereby announce an open call for applications of the 2022th seed money from RT4

The new Research Theme (RT4) is a merging between the former RA7 and RA8. RT4 does research on climate, ecosystems and biodiversity aiming to understand how climate affects ecological, evolutionary and biophysical processes, as well as their possible feedbacks on climate and human land- and water-use. The research relies on using field observations, experiments, and modelling to examine the effects of climate on different aspects of ecosystems and biodiversity.

In this call we can support for example workshops, pilot projects, equipment, lab-analysis and field work. Evaluation of applications will be based on scientific quality and relevance to the scope of RT4.

Available funding: 700 000 SEK. We will support funding up to a maximum of 100 000 SEK (with 20% OH on salary).

Funds not utilized for financing activities before December 31, 2023 shall be repaid to Bolin Center.

Eligible applicants: main applicant should be a member of RA7 or RA8 (RT4) and employed at SU, KTH or SMHI.

The application should consist of:

  1. One page describing the project as well as a motivation of how the project contribute to RT4 research environment.
  2. A CV of main applicant (max 2 pages including information about the current employment)
  3. Publication list including most relevant publications (max1 page)

Submit your application to  latest September 30th.
Write “Application: seed money 2022” in the subject field of your email.


We look forward to your application!

RT4 leaders Regina Lindborg and Kalle Gotthard