Revealing the Bolin Centre’s ambitious Strategic Plan for 2023-2027

The Bolin Centre for Climate Research are glad to share that the new strategic plan for 2023-2027 is now published and in effect.

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our society. We must find the necessary solutions to mitigate climate change and adapt to the changes that we are already committed to. To achieve this, there is a need for improved knowledge on the fundamental functioning of the climate system and its interactions with ecosystems and society. With that being said, the Bolin Centre has implemented a new mission, vision, and six strategic goals that are in line with the strategic focal points. Further, the directorate has decided on a strategic focus on climate and health, and how these two interact and affect each other.


Mission: Creating fundamental climate knowledge

We are committed to generating and communicating fundamental knowledge about the coupled climate system. This includes understanding its interactions with life on Earth across the past, present, and future, with a strong emphasis on connecting this knowledge to effective societal actions.

Vision: Thriving at the forefront of climate research

We envision ourselves as a thriving international research environment. We aim to unite experts from diverse disciplines, train future generations of climate scientists, and deliver knowledge that supports societal action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Additionally, the Bolin Centre seeks to expand its influence across climate-related research disciplines and within Earth System science via the following strategic goals:

  1. Resources: Secure lasting funding, form strategic partnerships, and pursue external grants to sustain research fields and support infrastructures.
  2. Local, regional and national partnerships: Integrate into Sweden's broader climate and sustainability research, aligning with regional goals and collaborating with other centers.
  3. Integration: Improve internal communication and collaboration, fostering an environment promoting scientific inquiry and high-quality publications
  4. Infrastructure: To further develop the national landscape for technical support of climate research in collaboration with other relevant Swedish and international research environments.
  5. Career opportunities: To host a vibrant and diverse community of climate researchers and offer a research environment that sustains their further development.
  6. External communication: To have a strategic approach to external communication to optimally answer to the growing demand for our expertise by various stakeholders.

We invite you to explore the Bolin Centre's strategic plan, where you will discover our commitment to advancing climate research, fostering collaboration, and addressing the pressing challenges of climate change. Learn more about the new strategic plan, or are curious to see what these six strategic goals entail ( Bolin Centre strategic plan 2023–2027 (621 Kb) ). You can also find the strategic plan on our website, under “publications”.