Scientific methods, media coverage, public awareness and climate change

In a Tellus editorial, Bolin researchers Abdelwaheb Hannachi and Hans Christen Hansson discusses a Tellus letter by Caserini et al, that attempts to investigate claims made by a group of scientists and their supporters/signatories by analyzing their scientific credentials.

Hannachi and Hansson write:

“The letter provides one suggestion on how to evaluate credibility of scientific statements. And its dissemination is important for both the scientific community and the public, and should contribute to rectify some of the misinformation that could have resulted. In summary, the letter is a good initiative, and we, as scientific community, should encourage more debate on what scientific quality is and how scientific results should be evaluated and trusted. We welcome more articles and debate on this issue. Equally important, is the role played by the media in following and disseminating the scientific results, and presenting the scientific process, to the general public, a challenging task ahead! The media today is multifaceted, with one-way (broadcasting) and interactive (social) media. We believe both media are invaluable, and should be used to accomplish the above task. It is therefore important to encourage and boost interaction between the scientific community and the media, and welcome any such initiative.”

Read the full article on Taylor & Francis Online’s website.