Welcome to use the data in the newly installed Rossby and Bolin Centre data libraries

The Rossby Centre has a large CMIP model-data library, which is continuously expanded with more datasets. Bolin Centre members outside the Rossby Centre are welcome to access and use this data. The Bolin Centre library contains ERA5 reanalysis data, currently close to 10 years of 6 hourly atmospheric vertically resolved fields.

Both the Rossby Centre and Bolin Centre data libraries are located on the nobackup storage at NSC, accessible from the supercomputers Tetralith and Bi. Thus, users will need to have a user account on Tetralith or Bi to access this data.

Rossby Centre data library at NSC

If you use these datasets you are responsible for making sure you acknowledge the data provider properly in your work and are aware of the data license.

Bolin Centre data library at NSC

If you use this dataset you are responsible for making sure you acknowledge the data provider properly in your work and are aware of the data license.

How to access?

Please contact Anna Lewinschal (anna@misu.su.se) or Michael Sahlin (michael.sahlin@smhi.se) for more information and access.