Dissecting the Roles of Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases in Climate Change

We are very proud to announce that Venkatachalam Ramaswamy, Professor in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Director at Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, Princeton University, USA is the 2009 Bert Bolin Climate Lecturer.

Venkatachalam Ramaswamy, Professor in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Director at Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, Princeton University, USA
Time: May 29, 2009
Venue: G-salen, house E in Arrheniuslaboratoriet

The global climate system is affected by both the incoming radiation from the Sun and the reflecting radiation from the Earth, and the balance of the two. One can predict future climate change by studying and making models of what processes affects the Earth’s climate. These climate models provides recommendations for political decisions.

The seminar is about scientific aspects of atmospheric chemistry and climate. Ramaswamy’s research examines how greenhouse gases and aerosol particles affects radiation flows in the atmosphere and thereby the Earth’s climate. His studies are built on meteorological data and satellite images. Ramaswamy works at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton Universety in the United States which is one of the world leading research centers regarding global climate modelling. He has been the cohesive force of the three latest IPCC-reports (1995, 2001 and 2007) and has therefor played a fundamental role when the synthesis of knowledge has been made in this central area.


The Bert Bolin Lecture on Climate Research is given annually in May to commemorate professor Bert Bolin and his pioneering work for climate research at Stockholm University and internationally. The speaker is selected among prominent scientists within climate research by the Faculty of Science.

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