First PhD Workshop in Money and Finance

On May 18th, CeMoF organized a workshop for PhD students together with the Research Division at Sveriges Riksbank. The workshop took place at the Riksbank and brought together a diverse and highly promising group of speakers from PhD programs in Sweden, the rest of Europe, and the U.S. We'll be back again next year with the Second PhD Workshop in Money and Finance, so if you're a PhD student, keep an eye out for the call for papers that will be circulated next spring!

The papers presented ranged widely within the fields of monetary policy and financial stability, from empirical papers on the monetary policy transmission mechanism to theoretical papers on central bank digital currencies. Each paper was discussed by a senior researcher from the Riksbank or one of the universities in the Greater Stockholm area, which gave presenters the opportunity to receive high-quality feedback on their work. The Riksbank's Deputy Governor Martin Flodén delivered an insightful keynote speech, in which he provided an in-depth assessment of the unconventional monetary policy undertaken by the Riksbank in recent years and what we can learn from it.

The workshop was well-attended by PhD students in the Greater Stockholm area and thus provided ample opportunities for cross-departmental networking among PhD students, faculty, and researchers at the universities and research institutions in the area. All in all, the workshop was greatly appreciated by presenters, discussants, and attendees alike.

Link to the Riksbank's web with final program and more information