GSMG Meeting and CeMoF kick-off!

On Monday, October 3rd, the Greater Stockholm Macro Group (GSMG) held its first IRL session since the pandemic struck with the CeMoF kick-off following after that.

On Monday, October 3rd, the Greater Stockholm Macro Group (GSMG) held its first IRL session since the pandemic struck (the GSMG, comprising macroeconomists from universities in the Stockholm/Uppsala area, normally meets once a month at Sveriges Riksbank).

There were two presentations. First, Adrien d’Avernas from the SSE talked about a paper on crypto currencies, in which he, together with his co-authors Vincent Maurin and Quentin Vandeweyer, develops a theory of stable-coin issuance. In the second paper, Karl Walentin from Uppsala University (who presented the paper) builds a quantitative theory of the effects of immigration on local labor markets together with Conny Olovsson and Andreas Westermark.

Both papers inspired lively discussions that continued into the next event, which was the CeMoF kick-off.

The kick-off, generously sponsored by the Riksbank, involved brief presentations by CeMoF director Per Krusell and by Ulf Söderström, head of research at Sveriges Riksbank, followed by mingling. The event was very well attended and included representatives of the CeMoF board (including its chair Karolina Ekholm), its management team and affiliated faculty and PhD students.