Report on the Swedish national bank (Riksbanken)

On May 23, an independent evaluation of Swedish monetary policy 2022, conducted by the Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF), was published.

The report, written by CeMoF researchers Per Krusell, John Hassler and Anna Seim, was commissioned by the Committee on Finance (Finansutskottet) and is the first of its kind.  

The report finds, amongst many things, that the Riksbank has largely met the price stability target in 2022. However, the repo rate should have been raised already in February and its securities purchases should have been turned into sales early in the year. The Riksbank's inflation forecasts were substandard, even taking into account the great uncertainty that existed.

The report can be downloaded from the webpage of the Swedish Parliament and will be discussed at a hearing in the Committee on Finance on May 30 at 9.00 am (CEST) which can be viewed live on the Swedish Parliament's web.

Read the report (in Swedish) 

Watch the hearing (in Swedish)