Student areas

As a student in chemistry, you have access to a computer room, kitchenette, study places and even your own locker.

KÖL (Chemistry Practice Laboratory)

Most of our courses at the Chemsitry Section are run at the Chemistry Practice Laboratory or KÖL (pronounced "shoul").

Lecture halls and student laboratories at KÖL are named for example K438, where K refers to the K buildning, and 4 is the floor the room is located on.

Some of the lectures and labs will take place at the departments. You will need special access to get into the deparements and please talk to your course coordinator about this.

Student kitchen and hall

The student kitchen is located in M Building on the 3rd floor. There are microwave ovens and refrigerators. Please, clean up after yourself.


On the 3rd floor of the M building you will find student lockers. All students registered on the the chemistry undergraduate programme, may sign for a locker at the Student Affiars Office, KÖL. Please bring your own padlock.

Masters student can apply for lockers after the undergraduate roll-call.

Never store valuables in the locker. It must be kept locked, otherwise there is a risk of use by unauthorized people. When no longer needed, notify the student office the cabinet.

The locker is at your disposal for the entire academic year, if you study chemistry. Please vacate it, before the summer holiday.

NOTE! Locked cabinets that are not vacated at the end of term, will be opened and emptied.

Computer room

Computer room at KÖL is in K building on the 3rd floor. It is intended for chemistry students only. The room is equipt with new computers and printers. In order to log into the computers in the computer hall, you need your university account. Read more about the rules and instructions. The hall is open 8:00 to 22:00 weekdays. Please think sustainable when printing.

Even though computer room is available, we strongly advice you to bring your own lap top when coming to us to study.



Chemistry Section & Student Affairs Office
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