Elina Druker forskare litteraturvetenskap
Previous research

Elina Druker's research area covers children’s literature, picturebooks, illustration and intermedia-studies. In her dissertation The Images of Modernism (2008), she discussed the avant-garde picturebook in Nordic countries in the 1950's. She has contributed essays to several Nordic and international publications dealing with children's literature and picturebook studies.

Current research

Elina Druker is currently writing a book about the Swedish illustrator Eva Billow as a part of a post doctoral fellowship. A second research project, funded by Birgit och Gad Rausing Foundation, is writing a History of the illustrated alphabet in Sweden. The purpose of the project is to investigate the characteristics of abecedaria and alphabet books in Sweden and to examine how the genre has evolved historically. She is editorial member for “Swedish Children’s Literature” and for the book series "Children's Literature, Culture and Cognition", John Benjamins (Amsterdam).


Children’s literature, media studies, sociology of literature