Kazimiera Ingdahl
Previous research

Russian and Polish literatures. I have particularly examined modernist aesthetics and its manifestation in poetry, prose, and drama in the period1890-1930. My study of the contextual connections between Polish and European modernism resulted in the monograph on Stanisława Przybyszewska´s aesthetics and works. To some extent I have investigated how the literature reacts to and reflects cultural, social and historical events. This subject is part of my recently completed monograph "I shall not wholly die." The Jews and the "Jewish Question" in Poland.

Current research

The project Czesław Miłosz´ Writing deals with the relationship between poetry and religion. My starting point is Miłosz´ suggestion that poetry may lay the foundation for the new theology of the future. The modern poetry readily contemplates the ultimate questions. It dimensions religious problems by scrutinizing both the material and spiritual aspects of humanity. I furthermore examine contextual connections between Miłosz´ metaphysical poetry and the ideas of the Russian philosopher of religion Lev Shestov, and the French philosopher and mystic Simone Weil.


Modernist studies