Krzysztof Bak forskare litteraturvetenskap
Previous research

My main research during the last years has been devoted to the oeuvre of Birgitta Trotzig. My primary aim has been to explore semantic structures generated by Trotzig’s works in intertextual dialogue with the Christian tradition. One of the results of the project so far has been a book on intersubjective sin in the novels by Trotzig. My other fields of investigation have been archetypal and mythical patterns in literature, intertextual hermeneutics, archetextual strategies in children’s books (for instance by Astrid Lindgren), premodernist devices in Swedish modernist poetry, Swedish literature of the 1980s, modernist theory of translation and Swedish romanticism – I wrote my PhD on P D A Atterbom’s romantic drama Island of Happiness.

Current research

I continue investigating Trotzig’s oeuvre. The intertextual base of the monograph I am about to finish is focused on the Christian doctrine of voluntaristic sin – a concept worked out in the anthropology of St. Augustine. Other ongoing fields of investigation are hermeneutic strategies in the theological reception of Dostoyevsky, modern Catholic intertexts in the prose works by Torgny Lindgren, oniric structures in the Swedish report books of the 1960s and criminal psychology and law in the Swedish literature of the 1940s.


Literary theory, modernist studies, narrative theory, children’s literature studies, translation studies