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  6. Presence of MND researchers in the 7th Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland

Presence of MND researchers in the 7th Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland

On October 11th and 12th, 2019 the Seventh Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland ( MEI 7 ) took place in the Institute of Education of Dublin City University.

Mathematics education researchers had a significant participation. Paola Valero opened the conference with the keynote “Mathematics education in the New Climatic Regime”. She offered a thought provoking presentation that questions how our global society is evolving in a time of climate change, and the role that mathematics plays in development, both economic and societal.

Gosia Marschall was an invited speaker in the plenary symposium on the theoretical construct of teachers' self-efficacy and its role in understanding mathematics education. Jöran Petersson presented advances of the VR-funded project Foundational Number Sense.

Professor Paola Valero


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