Lunch seminar 12:10-13 followed by optional informal discussion (samtal) over coffee 13-13:30.

To register for the seminar and a sandwich, go to


Docent Susanne Wikman
Docent Susanne Wikman


Learning chemistry poses a number of challenges for students. One such challenge is that chemistry concepts are created using a range of semiotic resources such as written and spoken words, images, chemical formulae, diagrams, graphs, physical models, visualizations, gestures etc. Learning chemistry can be seen as a function of how students are able to interpret and use these specialized semiotic resources.

Susanne Wikman is docent in organic chemistry at Linnæus University where she has received awards for her work in undergraduate and postgraduate education. Susanne’s research interests range from metallo-organic chemistry to enzyme catalysis of organic reactions. For the last 10 years she has focussed on visual representations in chemistry education.