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Undervisning och lärande i matematik och naturvetenskap i flerspråkiga klasser, 7,5 hp

Kurskod: UM8006

Gäller från: HT 2018

Fastställd: 20180611

Institution: Institutionen för matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik


Obligatorisk litteratur

Baird, K., Coy, S., & Pocock, A. (2015). A model of shared language. Ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching. Science and Children, 53(4), 87-91. (5s)

Barwell, R. (2014). Centripetal and centrifugal language forces in one elementary school second language mathematics classroom. ZDM, 46(6), 911-922. (11s)

Canagarajah, S. (2011). Translanguaging in the classroom: Emerging issues for research and pedagogy. Applied Linguistics Review, 2, 1-28. (29s)

Garcia, O., & Sylvan, C. (2011). Pedagogies and practices in multilingual classrooms: Singularities in pluralities. The Modern Language Journal, 95, 385-400. (16s)

Gomez-Zwiep, S., Straits, W., & Topps, J. (2015). 5E for ELL: Adaptiation to the learning cycle provide an authentic context for English language development. Ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching. Science and Children, 53(2), 80-86. (7s)

Jakobson, B., & Axelsson, M. (2017). Building a web in science instruction: Using multiple resources in a Swedish multilingual middle school class. Language and Education, 31(6), 479-494. (16s)

McMurchy-Pilkington, C., Meaney, T., & Trinick, T. (2013). Mathematics curriculum development and indigenous language revitalization: contested spaces. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 25(3), 341-360. (20s)

Nilsson, J., & Axelsson, M. (2013).  ”Welcome to Sweden …”: Newly arrived students’ experiences of pedagogical and social provision in introductory and regular classes. International Electronic Journal of Elementary education, 6(1), 137-164. (28s)

Petersson, J. (2018; in press). Newly- and early-immigrated second-language students’ knowledge of arithmetic syntax. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 23(2-3). (15s)

Petersson, J., & Norén, E. (2017). To halve a fraction: An issue for second language learners. Education Inquiry 8(3), 173-191. doi: 10.1080/20004508.2016.1275187 (18s)

Planas, N. (2014). One speaker, two languages: Learning opportunities in the mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 87, 51-66. (16s)

Stevenson, A. R. (2013). How fifth grade Latino/a bilingual students use their linguistic resources in the classroom and laboratory during science instruction. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 8(4), 973-989. (17s)

Svensson, P., Meaney, T., & Norén, E. (2014). Immigrant students’ perceptions of their possibilities to learn mathematics: The case of homework. For the Learning of Mathematics, 34(3), 32-37. (6s)

Trinick, T., Meaney. T., & Fairhall, U.  (2014). Teachers learning the registers of mathematics and mathematics education in another language: an exploratory study. ZDM, 46(6), 953-965. (13s)

Ünsal, Z. (2017). Bilingual students' learning in science: Language, gestures and phyiscal artefacts. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University. (Kappan) ss. 13-78. (65s)

Aktuella artiklar om ca 50 sidor. Väljs i samråd med kurslärare.


Valbar litteratur

Dessutom väljs en av följande artiklar:

Norén, E. (2015). Agency and positioning in a multilingual mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 89, 167–184. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-015-9603-5 (17s) (låg-, mellanstadiet)

Norén, E. (2011). Students’ mathematical identity formation in a Swedish multilingual mathematics classroom. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 16(1–2), 95–113. (19s) (högstadiet, gymnasiet)