Doktorsavhandlingar 2012 - 2013

Doktorsavhandlingar 2012 - 2013

Författare Titel År
Michela Ciccarelli
Regulation of Proteostasis and Stress Response : Insights into Hsf1 and Chaperone Dynamics 2024
Vaishnovi Sekar
MicroRNA biogenesis and function in single cells 2024
Priya Gohel
The Drosophila POU/Oct factors: multifaceted proteins 2024
Michael James Gaudry
Comparative analysis of the thermogenic protein UCP1 across the mammalian phylogeny 2023
Jordi Planells Rodrigo
RNA-based mechanisms of chromatin and gene regulation 2023
Franziska Hildebrandt
Host-parasite interactions in space and time 2023
Milagrosa López Riego
Biomarkers of ionising radiation relevant to carcinogenesis : Dose, dose rate and LET dependency of the responses 2023
Pamela Chiaka Akuwudike
Cellular effects of ionizing radiation : Relevant for understanding cancer risk after medical and environmental radiation exposures 2023
Li He
Spatial and temporal regulation of neural stem cells in the developing brain by PRDM16 2023
Mubasher Mohammed
Uncovering the genetics underlying host-parasite interactions during Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission 2023
Victor Karlström
The diverse functions of the ADAR enzymes : Editing and editing-independent effects on gene expression 2023
Matthias J. Fink
Regulated Proteolysis: The Secrets of Lon : Cellular Roles and Stress-dependent Regulation of the Lon Protease 2023
Erik Lindsund
Dietary, Pharmacological and Environmental Effects on Brown Adipose Tissue 2023
Melika Hajkazemian
Decoding the language of transmission among vector-pathogen-host 2023
Ana Sofia Pinheiro
Regulation of epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila by the Emp scavenger receptor 2022
George Hunt
The interplay of transcription and chromatin regulation during embryonic development 2022
Stefanie Lena Bauer
Guardians of the genome : Connecting chromatin structure and genome integrity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2022
Andreas Liontos
Genetic determinants of epithelial differentiation in the mouse and human lungs 2022
Gintare Lasaviciute
Functions and memory features of adaptive- and innate immune cells in physiological and inflammatory settings 2022
Sandra Axberg Pålsson
The role of non-coding single-stranded oligonucleotides on Respiratory syncytial virus infection 2022
Emily C. Ross
Transmigration of Toxoplasma gondii across biological barriers 2022
Shazeeda Koonjan
Infection kinetics, phylogenetics, and host interactions of bacteriophages 2022
Arne L. ten Hoeve
Modulation of mononuclear phagocyte function in the dissemination of Toxoplasma gondii 2022
Dan Liu
Reciprocal regulation of endocytosis and signaling in Drosophila epithelial development and aberrant growth 2022
Malin Ueberschär
BEN-solo proteins in genome architecture and function 2021
Alice Åslund
Myosin 1c taking adrenergic metabolism for a spin : More than a motor protein 2021
Albin Widmark
Diversifying the transcriptome : Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing in the mammalian brain 2021
Mahsa Ebrahimi
Cellular remodeling in response to nutrient exhaustion : From membrane contact sites to autophagy 2021
Dilan Khalili
Stress and immune signaling in a Drosophila tumor model 2021
Carlotta Peselj
Interorganellar connectivity : From protein to lipid homeostasis 2021
Sergi Tosal Castaño
A molecular chaperone that governs membrane contact sites and lipid metabolism 2021
Fredrik Seijsing
Engineering of Antibacterial Phage-Derived Proteins 2021
Jutta Diessl
Metal homeostasis as critical determinant for cellular fitness 2021
Kristen Schroeder
Caulobacter crescentus folding machines at the interface of inheritance, cell division, and energy metabolism 2021
Alexis Dziedziech
Timing Matters : Wounding and entomopathogenic nematode infection kinetics 2021
Aleksandra Dondalska
Harnessing the immunoregulatory capacity of single-stranded oligonucleotides to modulate innate immunity 2020
Marcel Tarbier
Into the Single-Verse : Subtle gene expression differences between virtually identical single cells are informative of gene regulation 2020
Hanna Gebreegziabher Gebremariam
Role of lactobacilli in Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis and host cell responses 2020
Wenjing Kang
microRNAs: from biogenesis to organismal tracing 2020
Roshan Vaid
Transcription regulation across levels of chromatin organization 2020
Traimate Sangsuwan
Short and long-term effects of exposure to low dose and low dose rate of gamma radiation : using in vitro and in vivo models 2020
Yuan Guo
RNA Polymerase I regulation by chromatin remodelling 2020
Ali Pour Khavari
Role of oxidative stress response in radiosensitivity 2020
Fredrik Hurtig
Divisive structures : Two billions years of biofilament evolution 2020
Einar B. Ólafsson
Signaling determinants in Trojan horse-mediated dissemination of Toxoplasma gondii 2019
Manuel Mata Forsberg
Bacterial Regulation of Peripheral Immunity : Mechanistic insights from lactobacilli and Staphylococcus aureus 2019
Gabriela Wassing
Bacteria-host cell interactions : Studies on initial colonization, antimicrobial peptides, and biofilms 2019
Fitz Gerald S. Silao
The Role of Proline Catabolism in Candida albicans Pathogenesis 2019
David J. Leslie
Regulation of the bacterial cell cycle in response to starvation 2019
Andreas Ring
In vivo analysis of amino acid permease folding in yeast 2019
Arrheniuslab Hus F


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  Stockholms Universitet
  Instititionen för Molekylär biovetenskap,
  Wenner-Grens Institut               
  106 91 Stockholm
  Tel: 08-16 2000
  Fax: 08-15 9837
  Per Ljungdahl  08-16 4101

  Vice prefekt:
  Ann-Beth Jonsson  08-16 4154
  Administrativ chef:
  Lina Berggren 08-16 3509

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