Forskning 2017

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  7. Forskning 2017
  8. Plastic pollution - chemical risk for marine ecosystems

Plastic pollution - chemical risk for marine ecosystems

Microplastic can be found in all of the world’s oceans and even in remote areas like the Artic and deep-sea sediments. Numerous species have been reported to ingest microplastic but the effects of this uptake remain unclear. One concern is that sorbed pollutants might be released into the body of organisms and affect them.

The aim of this study is to assess potential toxic effect by scrutinizing marine plastic with a combination of bioanalytical effect analysis and chemical analysis. Total amount of toxicants on plastics and the bioavailable fraction that can induce different receptor-mediated activities will be measured and identified by mass spectrometric analysis. The results obtained within this study will be used to perform risk assessments for marine wildlife exposed to plastic litter and to communicate with stakeholders regarding the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).


För mer information:
Christine Schönlau, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik, Örebro universitet

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