Stockholms universitet

Conference Report: "Towards a Global Diplomatic History (c.1400-1900)"

Participants of the GDN Conference ”Towards a Global History of Diplomacy” at Warwick. Photo: private.

"The conference "Towards a Global Diplomatic History (c.1400-1900)" held on 30-31 May 2024 at the University of Warwick, intended to redefine the conventional Eurocentric narrative of diplomatic history. Traditionally, the history of diplomacy has been portrayed as a European-centric story, highlighting the city-states of Renaissance Italy, the Westphalian system, the rise of the modern nation-state, and the spread of international law rooted in European legal theory as important elements. These elements have been credited with the emergence of the modern international order in the nineteenth century."

Read the full conference report by Emma Forsberg (Lund University) below.

Read the conference report from "Towards a Global Diplomatic History (c.1400-1900)" here (200 Kb)