Dissertation: Tori Falck

Thesis defence

Date: Friday 6 December 2024

Time: 13.00 – 19.00

The Becoming of Boats: Craft Practices in Southern Norwegian Boat Building.

Tori Falck´s dissertation will take place on the 6th of December, at 13.00.

Open Access: The Becoming of Boats: Craft Practices in Southern Norwegian Boat Building (diva-portal.org)

Reconstruction is an essential tool for gaining knowledge of shipwrecks in maritime archaeology. This paper examines some theoretical and practical consequences of viewing vessels not as finished objects but as things that are continuously being made during their lifetime. This is done by proposing perspectives on things that uphold their biography as an essential characteristic. To illustrate this, the 16th-century shipwreck Bispevika 16 (Oslo harbour) will be an example of a vessel showing minor and significant technical changes throughout its life. Its most manifest change is the addition of an outer layer of carvel planks on the lapstrake-built hull. This makes this vessel one of a growing number of archaeologically known converted lapstrake-built vessels in Northern Europe.