Higher Seminar: “The Rise of the South Korean Defense Industry and Arms Exports"


Date: Wednesday 8 November 2023

Time: 15.00 – 16.45

Location: F6, Confenence room

Speaker: Gabriel Jonsson, Associate professor, Docent, Stockholm University.

According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), from 2017-2021, South Korea’s arms exports grew by 176,8 percent compared with 2012-2016. This was the fastest figure among major arms exporters such as the United States, Russia, France and China. Naval vessels accounted for 68 percent of total exports from 2017-2021, followed by firearms (19 percent) and aircrafts (12 percent). South Korea’s share of total world exports rose from one percent 2012-2016 to 2,8 percent from 2017-2021 making the country throughout the latter period the eighth largest arms exporter after the United States (39 percent), Russia (19 percent), France (11 percent), China (5 percent), Germany (4 percent), Italy and the United Kingdom (3 percent each). In contrast to the rise of the South Korean economy, the country’s rise as a major arms exporter is not equally well known. Consequently, this study aims to answer three interrelated questions:

- What measures have been undertaken to promote the defense industry and arms exports?
- What has been the industrial and technological basis to develop the defense industry?
- What factors explain the development of the defense industry and the rise of arms exports?

In the first case, major measures undertaken by the government and companies are investigated focusing on those whose outcomes are possible to assess. The relationship between overall economic development and the rise of the defense industry is necessary to analyze since the industry is dependent on capacity with such industries as steel, machinery, shipbuilding and electronics. To give a “satisfactory” answer to the third issue, this project takes a long-term approach beginning with the difficult security situation around 1970 due to the threat from North Korea and reduced American defense commitments.

To attendants from outside the Department: Please pre-register with the seminar organizer, Jaqueline Berndt jberndt@su.se for access to the venue.