Degree project

The degree project aims to give you deeper insights in and experience with scientific research. You will plan, execute and report an original research project. You will produce a scientific report and present your research results orally in a scientific seminar.

You need to find a suitable topic for your project together with a supervisor (this is mandatory). The responsibility for this lies primarily with you as a student.

To find a project you can contact representatives from the various research groups at the Department of Astronomy. For external degree projects, you can search online.


The time for a full-time project in term weeks is the number of credits divided by 1.5, i.e., 10/20/30 term weeks for a 15/30/45 credit project. The academic year consists of 2 terms, each 20 weeks + 12 weeks of summer recess. The 12 weeks during the summer do not count as part of your time.

Degree projects normally run full time. However, in some cases the work can be carried out part time, e.g. if there are necessary lecture courses running in parallel. If you want to do your project part time, you should discuss this with your supervisor and the project course coordinator before you start the project.

For the course Astronomy, Degree Project 15 credits, you have to attend a mandatory smeninar series "Scientific Method, 1.5 credits". Information and registration.  


Together with your supervisor you should write a project plan, which is then sent to the coordinator for the degree projects (see bottom of this page). This plan should contain a preliminary title, number of credits, name of the supervisor and any assistant supervisor, a short descriptive text, and a preliminary schedule.

You and your supervisour also have to schedule a meeting with the course coordinator befor you can start the project. At the meeting you will togeter go through the projcet plan and the gradning criteria, and then you will be officially registrated to the course.


The supervisor for a degree project shall be available during the term time when the project is running. You have the right to at least one hour of supervision per week, but it is natural that the amount of supervision is adapted to the nature of your work and your own wishes.

About half way into the project you contact the course coordinator agian and scheldue a new meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to give you a chance to discuss your schedule, and how your work is progressing, as well as bring up any problems.


The examination consists of a written and an oral presentation. When the report has been completed (aproved by the supervisor), a PDF should be sent to the course coordinator. Then the date of your presentation is set together with your supervisor and the course coordinator.




Course coordinator Degree projects in Astronomy

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