Campus Albano inaugurated

The new Albano campus was inaugurated between the 20th and 23rd of September, and the Department of Astronomy participated in the festivities! Albano is Stockholm University's new campus area and also the home of our department.

During the "Albano Talks," a series of short presentations about current research, two of our colleagues took part. Thursday, Smaranika Banerjee talked about her research on the "Origin of heavy elements," and Garrelt Mellema discussed "The first stars and galaxies” during the Friday. Both presentations were well-received by the audience!

Smaranika Banerjee (left) and Garrelt Mellema (right) during their speedtalks
Smaranika and Garrelt spoke at the inauguration

In addition to this, Axel Runnholm, Timmy Ejdetjärn, and Moa Skan were present at the knowledge square as representatives of the department, engaging with curious visitors and discussing the research conducted at our institution.

Moa Skan (left) and Axel Runnholm (right) in front of some astronomy posters
Moa and Axel crewing the department booth at the knowledge square