Karin Lind and Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez receives prizes from the KVA

On Tuesday, the 28th of November, two of our researchers were honored at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Karin Lind was awarded the Strömer-Ferrner Prize 2023, and Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez received the Letterstedt’s prize for impressive research 2023 for their contributions to science and astronomy.

During Tuesday the 28th of November, two of our researchers participated in a prize ceremony at the Royal Academy of Sciences. Karin Lind received the Strömer-Ferrner reward with the motivation "For world-leading research in stellar spectroscopy to investigate the history of the Milky Way”.

pristagarna för strömer fermerska belöningen uppradade framför en presentationsskärm
Karin Lind receiving the Strömer-Ferrner Prize 2023. Image: Garrelt Mellema

Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez received the Letterstedt’s prize for impressive research 2023 with the statement “For his innovative inversion technique enabling three-dimensional models of the solar atmosphere, optimally utilizing data from multiple telescopes with widely varying imaging characteristics”.

Jaime in front of a presentation screen in a richly decorated room
Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez receiving the Letterstedt’s prize for impressive research 2023. Image: Garrelt Mellema

Karin and Jaime both received their diplomas from the chair of the Academy. Congratulations!