Digitalize in Stockholm 2024


Date: Thursday 17 October 2024

Time: 09.00 – 16.30

Location: Nacka Strand, Stockholm

Welcome to Digitalize in Stockholm 2024, an event that is free of charge and hosted by Digital Futures.

AI generated illustration of Stockholm with water, buildings and text "Digitalize in Sthlm '24".
Illustration: Digital Futures.

New technological innovation and digital transformation can shape a better society, now and in the future. What research, development, innovation and collaboration will lead the way, and which collaborations will be significant?

Digitalize in Stockholm is a yearly event where academia, industry, government and civil society meet and share their knowledge. This year’s theme is “Shaping the Future with Generative AI”.

The conference is free of charge and hosted by Digital Futures, a cooperation between Stockholm University, KTH and Rise.

More information on the conference website