Utopia and Performance

Sensuous Governing Sensuous City by Sisters Hope. Photo. Photo: Diana Lindhardt.

Conference Programme

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The conference is organized by Theatre studies at Stockholm University, the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, together with the Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars (ANTS).
Contact us:  ANTS21@teater.su.se

Conference coordination: Meike Wagner and Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen.

Organizing team

Rikard Hoogland, Dirk Gindt, Tiina Rosenberg, Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen, Magnus Tessing Schneider, Meike Wagner, Julia Stina Skoglund.


  • Stockholm University and the Department of Culture and Aesthetics in Autumn. Photo: Sören Andersson, Stockholm University. Covid-19 2021-06-24 We abide by the restrictions and recommendations by the Swedish Health Authorities.