Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years)

The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences at Stockholm University, Sweden invites applicants for a 2-year postdoc fellowship in Marine Biology as part of the project 'Adaptation of herring populations to the seasonal dynamics of the Baltic Sea‘. Application deadline is 7 January 2024.

Project description

The purpose of this project is to investigate the adaptation of different herring spawning stocks to the seasonal dynamics of plankton and temperature in the Baltic Sea to predict which stocks are most sensitive to shifting plankton phenology and temperature. Baltic Sea herring populations are declining at an alarming rate, which is mainly attributed to high fishing mortality and variable larval survival due to predator-prey mismatch and shifting seasonality. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. We will use molecular approaches to determine in situ dietary composition of early herring life stages and to differentiate different spawning populations. These results will be related to plankton and temperature to estimate effects of trophic coupling and adaptation to the seasonal dynamics for different spawning populations. Outcomes of this project will make an important and novel contribution to make recommendations on which coastal ecosystems and herring population diversity should be protected to promote population and fisheries recovery.

The postdoctoral fellow will identify herring adaptation to the seasonal dynamics using field sampling and novel molecular tools, while extensive monitoring data will contribute to estimate consequences of trophic mismatch.

The selected candidate will work in the group of Prof Monika Winder at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences and with Prof Henrik Svedäng at the Baltic Sea Centre. We use a multi-disciplinary research approach, combining descriptive field studies, experimental and long-term ecological research to understand the consequences of environmental dynamics for food web processes and ecosystem functions. We offer state-of-the-art experimental and analytical facilities that allow properly addressing current ecological questions.

The 2-year postdoc is financed by a Fellowship from the Carl Trygger Foundation.


We are looking for a highly motivated and self-directed young scientist with a PhD degree in ecology, biology or related sciences. To be eligible for this fellowship, you should have completed your doctoral degree at a maximum of six (6) years at the time of admission. The successful candidate has profound knowledge in fish and/or plankton ecology, molecular ecology and experience with DNA metabarcoding or metagenomics. Good data analysis skills and bioinformatics, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, a strong sense of determination to succeed, and the ability to express his or her ideas in English is further expected. The applicants should be willing to travel and spend periods in the field. In the recruitment, emphasis will be placed on scientific excellence and experience in the field of aquatic and molecular ecology. Experience in data analysis and programming will be an added advantage.


The application should include:

  • A personal letter (max 3 pages) where the applicant describes her/himself in relation to the above-described requirements, a motivation to why the applicant is interested in the position and a short description of the candidate’s research interests.
  • CV with academic qualifications and publication list.
  • Copy of doctoral degree certificate and other relevant degree certificates.
  • Contact information to three reference persons.
  • Other relevant documents.

Your complete application, written in Swedish or English, marked with the subject head Postdoc Application, should be sent in a pdf document to Deadline is 7 Jan 2024.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Prof Monika Winder.



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