Design-based research using observational data EC38029, spring 2024

This is an optional course in the PhD programme in Economics, given at Stockholm University.


Course information

This is a 7.5 credit course.

Course material and schedule will be available on the learning platform Athena.

Course description

The course will deal with the hands-on research process in economics, from judging a research idea to publishing a finished paper. We will approach this via learning by doing: students will form teams with common research interests, and their progress will be discussed in weekly meetings.

The common denominator for the course will be empirical work based on observational micro data, from administrative registers to surveys. We thus primarily welcome students with interests in development, labor, political, and public economics.


Laia Navarro-Sola
Arash Nekoei
Torsten Persson
Josef Sigurdsson
David Strömberg

Course director

Arash Nekoei

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