CeMoF evaluates the Swedish monetary policy of 2023

On 28 May, the Committee on finance will hold a meeting about the monetary policy of 2023. Roine Vestman, Professor of Economics at Stockholm University, is there to present the report Swedish Monetary Policy 2023.

Open meeting on 28 May

Riksbank Governor Erik Thedéen and the Deputy Governors will attend the meeting. The report, Swedish Monetary Policy 2023, is authored by Roine Vestman, John Hassler, and Per Krusell, researchers of economics at Stockholm University.

Roine Vestman’s presentation is followed by a discussion between the Committee on finance, the Riksbank executive board, and the researchers.

Time: Tuesday, 28 May, 9:00–11:15
Place: Andrakammarsalen, entrance Riksplan

Find the full programme here (in Swedish)

About the report

The Committee on finance have given the task of evaluating the monetary policy in 2023 to the Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF) at Stockholm University. You can read the results in the report here (in Swedish):

Svensk penningpolitik 2023

More about Roine Vestman and CeMoF

Roine Vestman is a Professor of Economics and the director of CeMoF at Stockholm University.

Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF)

Roine Vestman’s website