Publications in top journals

Publications in top journals by our faculty.

Photo: Lightfield

The top journals are:


Quarterly Journal of Economics

Review of Economic Studies

American Economic Review

Journal of Political Economy


Roine Vestman, ”Identifying the Benefits from Home Ownership: A Swedish Experiment” (with Paolo Sodini, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal), American Economic Review


Arash Nekoei, David Seim: "How Do Inheritances Shape Wealth Inequality? Theory and Evidence from Sweden", Review of Economic Studies

Santiago Hermo, Miika Päällysaho, David Seim; "Labor Market Returns and the Evolution of Cognitive Skills: Theory and Evidence", Quarterly Journal of Economics

Daniel Knutsson and Björn Tyrefors: "The Quality and Efficiency of Public and Private Firms: Evidence from Ambulance Services", Quarterly Journal of Economics


Darin Christensen, Oeindrila Dube, Johannes Haushofer, Bilal Siddiqi, Maarten Voors, "Building Resilient Health Systems: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone and The 2014 Ebola Outbreak", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2021.

Adrian Adermon, Mikael Lindahl, Mårten Palme: "Dynastic Human Capital, Inequality, and Intergenerational Mobility", American Economic Review, 2021, 111 (5), 1523-1548.

Camille Landais, Arash Nekoei, Peter Nilsson, David Seim: "Risk-Based Selection in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence and Implications", American Economic Review, 2021, 111 (4), 1315-1355.


Adam Szeidl and Ferenc Szucs, "Media Capture through Favor Exchange", Econometrica, July 2020.


Ines Helm, "National Industry Trade Shocks, Local Labor Markets, and Agglomeration Spillovers", Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 87, Issue 3, May 2020, pp. 1399–1431.

Emmanuel Saez, Benjamin Schoefer, David Seim, "Payroll Taxes, Firm Behavior, and Rent Sharing: Evidence from a Young Workers' Tax Cut in Sweden", American Economic Review 2019, 109(5): 1717-1763.


Bei Qin, David Strömberg, and Yanhui Wu. 2018. "Media Bias in China." American Economic Review, 108 (9): 2442-76.


Ingvil Gaarder, Magne Mogstad, and Anders Åkerman: "The Skill Complementarity of Broadband Internet", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(4), 1781-1824.


Björn Tyrefors and Per Pettersson-Lidbom: “Democracy, Redistribution, and Political Participation: Evidence from Sweden 1919-1938”, Econometrica, Vol. 82, Issue 3 (May 2014), pp. 961–993.


Peter Fredriksson, Björn Öckert and Hessel Oosterbeek: “Long-term Effects of Class Size”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013, 128(1), 249-285.

Andreas Madestam, Daniel Shoag, Stan Veuger, and David Yanagizawa-Drott: “Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence from the Tea Party Movement”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013, 128(4), 1633-1685.

Elhanan Helpman, Oleg Itskhoki, Marc Muendler and Stephen Redding, and Anders Åkerman: “Sources of Wage Inequality”, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2013, 103(3), 214-219.

David Domeij and Paul Klein: "Should day care be subsidized?", Review of Economic Studies 2013, 80(2), 568-595.



Matz Dahlberg, Karin Edmark and Heléne Lundqvist: “Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution”, Journal of Political Economy, 2012, 120(1), 41-76.


James Snyder and David Strömberg: "Press Coverage and Political Accountability", Journal of Political Economy, 2010, 118(2), 355-408.


Antoni Calvó-Armengol, Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou: “Peer effects and social networks in education”, Review of Economic Studies, 2009, 76, 1239-1267.

Douglas Almond, Lena Edlund and Mårten Palme: “Chernobyl's subclinical legacy: Prenatal exposure to radioactive fallout and school outcomes in Sweden”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2009, 124(4), 1729-1772.


David Strömberg: "How the Electoral College Influences Campaigns and Policy: The Probability of Being Florida", American Economic Review, 2008, 98(3).

Paul Klein, Per Krusell and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull: "Time-Consistent Public Policy", Review of Economic Studies 2008, 75(3), 789-808.


Thomas Eisensee and David Strömberg: "News Droughts, News Floods, and U. S. Disaster Relief", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2).


Assar Lindbeck and Sten Nyberg: “Raising Children to Work Hard: Altruism, Work Norms, and Social Insurance”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2006, 121(4), 1473-1503.

Corali Ballester, Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Yves Zenou: “Who's who in networks. Wanted: the key player”, Econometrica, 2006, 74(5), 1403-1417.


Costas Meghir and Mårten Palme: “Educational Reform, Ability and Parental Background”, American Economic Review, 2005, 95(1), 414-424.


David Strömberg: "Mass Media Competition, Political Competition, and Public Policy", Review of Economic Studies, 71(1).

David Strömberg: "Radio's Impact on Public Spending", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(1).


Per-Anders Edin, Peter Fredriksson and Olof Åslund: “Ethnic Enclaves and the Economic Success of Immigrants: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(1), 329–357.


Per Pettersson Lidbom: “An Empirical Investigation of the Strategic Use of Debt”, Journal of Political Economy, 2001, 109(3), 570-584.

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