Visiting PhD student

ERiCC will host a PhD student, Silvia Caldaroni from  "Sapienza" University of Rome from September 19 for a month.

She will give a seminar with the topic of ''Promoting pro-environmental behaviors: a pilot intervention for Italian young adults'' on September 20, 10:00-11:00, in room 1708. You are welcome to join us and also share the seminar information to your colleagues. If you are interested in meeting her to exchange ideas, please do feel free to send her an e-mail. Her e-mail address is

Silvia Caldaroni

A short presentation
Silvia Caldaroni is a Ph.D. student in Personality and Organizational Psychology, holder of a scholarship funded by the Italian National Operational Programme for research and innovation on green-related topics, in the department of Psychology at "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy. Silvia holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and is doing research for a Ph.D. degree with a focus on the determinants of pro-environmental behaviors in young adults and the design of psychological interventions to promote such behaviors.