9th Nordic Educational History Conference, 14-16 May 2025

We warmly invite you to the 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, at Aula Magna, Frescati, Stockholm University! The theme of the conference is Power and resistance.

Illustration from older school environment
Svensk läraretidning 1896 (43).


Conference theme

Wherever there is education, there is power and resistance. The 9th Nordic Educational History Conference invites papers that deal with these two fundamental features of social and educational processes.

Contributions can discuss issues related to either power, resistance or both, including how they are interrelated. In terms of empirical contexts, education can be broadly understood as an activity that takes place in institutions of various forms, pre-schools, schools, universities, but also in a range of other formal and informal contexts where some kind of transmission of knowledge and values is intended to take place.

Theoretically, there are a rich variety of traditions that have discussed how patterns of domination emerge, are maintained and spread to new contexts, as well as the many ways in which they can be challenged or resisted. 

Contributions to the conference may include, but are not limited to, discussions of:

  • Life in institutions 
  • Professional groups
  • Categorization, normality and deviance 
  • The political steering of education
  • Educational technology 
  • Social movements, interest groups
  • Revolutions
  • Propaganda
  • The role of different types of media 
  • The role of the state and/or private companies
  • War, peace, reconstruction
  • Space, materiality, architecture
  • Systems of inspection, evaluation and assessment

Keynote speakers

Marcelo Caruso
Humboldt university of Berlin. 
Title: TBA

Stephanie Olsen
Tampere University. 
Title: TBA


Important dates

  • November 1, 2024: Last date for submission of abstracts and panel proposals
  • December 15, 2024: Notice of acceptance
  • December 15, 2024: Registration open (Early bird)
  • February 1, 2025: Full price registration starts
  • April 15, 2025: Final day for registration

Submissions and registration 

The conference welcomes presentations in two formats: panels and individual papers. For scheduling reasons, a maximum of two presentations per person will be allowed. We accept submission in all Scandinavian languages as well as English.


Accepted panels are allotted 90-minutes-sessions and typically feature 3-5 panelists with time left for discussion. A panel proposal requires an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding bibliography) describing the topic and scope of the panel and abstracts of no more than 300 words for each individual paper (excluding bibliography), names and affiliation of the authors, name of discussant (optional). Note that only one author should submit each panel proposal. Our Organizing Board will be reviewing the abstract and decide to reject or accept your proposal. 

Individual papers

Individual papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions and discussions. An individual paper submission must contain an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding bibliography). Our Organizing Board will be reviewing the abstract and decide to reject or accept your proposal. 

December 15, 2024: Registration opens (Early bird)
February 1, 2025: Full price registration starts



A special issue based on papers from the 9th Nordic Educational History Conference will be published in the Nordic Journal of Educational History, during the fall of 2026. Deadline for submission is June 15, 2025. More information will follow.



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