Method for handling harassment

The Department of Environmental Science takes a very serious view of harassment and discrimination, regardless of who is affected. Abusive treatment, unwelcome advances or other forms of harassment are not tolerated and shall be investigated and documented immediately.

Discrimination or harassment on the grounds of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnic origin or belief, sexual orientation, disability or age are regulated by the Discrimination Act. More information about the Discrimination Act may be found here.

The responsibility for taking action in cases of harassment or discrimination rests with the head of department of ACES.



If you are a student and feel that you are being discriminated against or harassed, you must immediately contact your study counsellor, one of the Department’s directors of studies, head of department, Department’s human resources coordinator or Stockholm University’s impartial equal opportunity coordinator. No formal, written notice is required; if you contact a member of staff, the head of department is then obliged to take action.

Staff at the Department who witness or hear about harassment or discrimination must make a note of this and immediately contact one of the Department’s directors of studies or the head of department.

Support and help

If you are a student you can approach Student Health Services for counselling and support.

You can also approach the Student Union for advice and help. You do not need to be a member of the Student union to approach them, they help all students with this type of issue. You can also talk to the Department’s study counsellor.



If you are an employee and feel that you are being discriminated against or harassed, you must immediately contact the head of department, human resources coordinator or the university’s HR department. You can also contact one of the health and safety officers at the Department of Environmental Science.
If you are an employee you can also approach the occupational health service Feelgood or your union representative.

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