Mälardalen Esotericism Seminars (MES)

The Mälardalen Esotericism Seminar (MES) is a research seminar focusing on work-in-progress and current issues in the study of esotericism, with participants from various universities in the Mälardalen region.

MES originated at the section for history of religions at Stockholm university in 2017, as a seminar focused on the study of magic (Western Learned Magic Seminars). Since 2020 it has operated under the name MES, hosted in collaboration between history of religions at Stockholm university and the study of religions at Södertörn University.

The seminar provides a forum for discussing work in progress, the works of invited scholars, as well as new developments and current theoretical debates in the study of esotericism. One of the seminar’s objectives is to create a social scholarly milieu that also supports PhD candidates and advanced students interested in pursuing doctoral education in the study of esotericism.

MES currently has regular participants from Stockholm University, Södertörn University, Linköping University, and Uppsala University.

For information about the seminar series or to join the mailing list, please contact Prof. Egil Asprem (egil.asprem@rel.su.se).

MES Program Spring 2024 (151 Kb)



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