Invoice, Purchase, and Procurement

Christina Jansson

is the institution's purchasing coordinator, and for any questions regarding the purchase or procurement of goods or services, Christina should be contacted.


Since April 2019, there has been a law (2018:1277) regarding electronic invoices due to public procurement. This means that all our purchases must either be made through the purchasing portal, from contracted actors we have agreements with, or through direct procurement. Payment is made in the purchasing portal, but everything outside of this is paid via invoice. This means that our suppliers must send an e-invoice through their financial system. Note! An invoice in PDF format is not an e-invoice.

The university uses Raindance from CGI as its e-commerce system and supports the standards recommended by SFTI. We prefer that e-invoices are sent via PEPPOL. If the supplier does not have access to this, they can join our supplier portal. This can be done by emailing

Our PEPPOL is 0007:2021003062

Our reference is 464000 (otherwise the invoices will not reach us or will be delayed).

You can add your name after the reference if this does not appear otherwise.

The invoice address also needs to be included on the invoice, even if they send an e-invoice.

  • Stockholm University
    C8201, 190 87 Rosersberg

Only in exceptional cases can we accept a paper invoice. The finance department states that such cases may be if an e-invoice would risk disclosing information covered by confidentiality or if the invoice does not concern a purchase but a non-procurable fee. For other exceptions, contact administrative manager Viktoria Arvinge.

Stockholm University always has a 30-day payment period.

Purchasing and Procurement

All purchases should follow the university's procurement objectives: to ensure the right price, function, and quality; to minimize negative environmental impact; and to ensure goods are produced under good conditions. The procurement should be conducted in an efficient and legally secure manner.

The university has five principles to follow:

  1. Transparency – documentation, processes, and decisions should be clear.
  2. Proportionality – requirements should be adapted to our needs.
  3. Equal Treatment – all suppliers should be given the same opportunities.
  4. Non-Discrimination – we must not limit competition against suppliers.
  5. Mutual Recognition – certificates from other countries should be accepted as equivalent to Swedish ones.

Existing Agreements

Stockholm University has procured and concluded agreements with many actors, which are available in the purchasing portal and in our agreement/contract catalog (note that all agreements have an expiration date). We can also use Kammarkollegiet's procured agreements .

Agreements can be against:

  • A single supplier
  • Several ranked suppliers
  • Several suppliers through renewed competition (contacting several at once is necessary)
  • Or several suppliers through an allocation key.

Procurement under 100,000 SEK

If you do not have an agreement for what you need to purchase and the cost is under 100,000 SEK, a direct procurement is made.

  • Conduct market research by googling, calling, or visiting companies.
  • Contact at least three companies; in case of a lower amount, two companies are sufficient.
  • Request quotes.
  • Create a Word file where you write what you need to purchase, which companies you contacted, how you evaluated them ("best value for money"), and which one you finally chose and why. This document should then be emailed to Christina Jansson.
  • Now you can make your purchase from the chosen company, and they need to send an e-invoice.

Procurement under 700,000 SEK

Here, there are requirements for procedures and documentation.

Contact Christina Jansson, and she will assist you.

Procurement over 700,000 SEK

There are formal requirements to follow. Contact Christina Jansson, and she will assist you.


For more information please go to SU's website.

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