Working environment, Lab safety & Risk Assessment


Working environment

Work Environment Council (in Swedish)

Safety officers


The Stockholm University section for safety and security is available around the clock seven days per week (24/7) on phone (08) 16 22 16 or (08) 16 42 00. Please read the Evacuation Plan instructions, located at the entrance of each corridor. In the case of a fire alarm, leave the building immediately.

Chemical Handling Procedure (138 Kb)

Gaskännedom och gashantering (986 Kb)

Gas risks (121 Kb)

Handling gas cylinders (74 Kb)

KLARA tutorial

Labansvariga (273 Kb)

Policy för riskbedömning av kemiska arbetsmiljörisker vid IGV (120 Kb)

Ramverk for laboratorieverksamheten vid IGV (149 Kb)

Requirements to work in IGVs laboratories (293 Kb)

Report an incident

Safety regulations (314 Kb)

Storing gas cylinders (131 Kb)

Template/Fillable form for discussion regarding laboratory work (436 Kb)

More information about working with gas and gas bottles can be found at


Evaluation of risks in connection with various activities.

Riskbedomning IGV 2021–2022 (115 Kb)

Risk analysis page

On this page