Post-Graduate Programme in Geography with a Specialization in Human Geography

The Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, offers a Post-Graduate Programme in Geography with a Specialization in Human Geography.

Human geography is about the relations between people and places.


Eligibility Requirements

Admission to the Third Cycle, the post-graduate (doctoral) level, requires that applicants meet both general and specific entry requirements. The general requirements are:

  1. a university Second Cycle (master) degree, or
  2. 240 Swedish higher education credits, of which a minimum of 60 credits must be Second Cycle courses, or
  3. the equivalent.

The language used at the programme is either English or Swedish. Accordingly, the specific entry requirements are good knowledge and skills in either the Swedish or the English language, and a minimum of 90 credits in Human Geography, or equivalent, including a degree project of at least 15 credits. Additional details can be found in the curriculum.


Application Deadline

The Department of Human Geography fixed dates for applications are April 1 (main) and November 15 (extra). If there is funding available the Department will announce the positions some time before these dates.

National courses in human geography for doctoral students
Become a researcher
PhD studies at Stockholm University
Stockholm University Graduate School of International Studies (SIS)

General Syllabus for Third-Cycle Studies in Geography with a Specialization in Human Geography (341 Kb)



Director of Doctoral Studies
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