Information from the department - courses

Welcome to the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University! Here is important information for those who are going to start one course (or more) in the autumn semester 2024.

Photo: Anders Rickegård, Stockholm University.

Before the semester starts, you must activate your university account and register. You should also familiarize yourself with the education by looking through the first course's schedule and reading list and by visiting the course's page on the learning platform Athena, where there may be additional important information.


You who have been accepted and have accepted the place at or are welcome to register. To keep your place, you must register during the August 5–18 registration period. Please note that August 18 is the last registration day for all courses given in the autumn semester 2024. In order to register online, you must first activate your university account. It is no roll-call. You only need to confirm your course selection by registering.

Activate your university account

If you need help activating your university account or encounter technical problems, you can contact IT support via Serviceportalen.

IT support

If you have problems registering, contact our student affairs office before the last day of registration at Include your full namne (or your Swedish personal identity number) and which course or courses you are accepted to.

Learning platform

Log in to the learning platform Athena and go to the page for your first course. But first you need to activate your university account and register, see above.


Course start and education

After registration, you are welcome to the course introduction. Exact time and place can be found in the coure schedule. At the introduction, you meet the course coordinator(s) and all other students on the course. You also receive information about the course's goals, content, form, examination and practicalities, such as possible group division.

Teaching starts immediately at the start of the semester.

In the course description for the first course there are links to the reading list and the schedule. The description can be found in the course catalogue.

Course catalogue

On the course page on the Athena learning platform, there may be more information before the start of the course. You will receive a course guide and more at the course introduction.

Conditionally admitted

If you are conditionally admitted, you must show that you meet the programme's eligibility requirements before you can register. If you have questions, please call +46 8 16 48 33 or write to

Studying with a disability

Do you need special study support? Don't forget to apply in Nais in time! Read more about it at

Contact in the Department of Human Geography is Veronica Hohl, e-mail, phone +46 8 16 48 37.

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