Christina, from the University of Cape Town, South Africa

Christina Meinert, a law student from South Africa, chose to attend SULaw's Summer Programme on campus in Session 2 so as to be able to take the courses that best suited her burning interest for issues in international law.

Christina Meinert (photo: private)

Be sure to join this programme if you want to grow your mind, grow your perspective, and grow your friendship circle to international spaces



Why did you choose to study at SULaw Summer programme 2022?

My motivation for applying to this programme lay within my fervent desire and eagerness to critically engage with students from various disciplines all over the world in our mutual love and commitment to law. I sought to grow my understanding of the intricate mechanisms that law offers in solving our world’s problems, by infusing it with the experience and knowledge of professors, educators and classmates alike, who can offer me an international perspective in these areas.

Law to me is a vital mechanism in tackling injustice and facing problems of the modern era – I see law as carrying limitless potential for developing solutions to obstacles constantly being produced by our ever-changing and developing modern world. Imperative to realising this potential I believe is international collaboration and teamwork, and a sense that sharing knowledge and resources is the way to find solutions in a world facing new pressures in relation to humanitarian crises, political tensions, economic uncertainty, and global health pressures. As this programme offered such opportunities, in terms of collaborating in an international sphere and engaging with other legal jurisdictions’ solutions to problems, I hoped that being part of it would be a deeply enriching and inspiring experience – and I was proven correct!

I knew of Stockholm University’s excellent reputation as a legal institution, and I wished to be able to participate in the academic rigour of Stockholm University's Law School summer programme - the focus this programme has on international law is something that I believe is vital to the evolution and progress of our society as a whole, in terms of securing global welfare, prosperity and international co-operation, and for this reason I fervently wished to be a part of this programme and be able to participate in such co-operation through the mechanism of law and the meeting of legal minds around the world.

I also have deep cognizance of and appreciation for the value that engaging with international law and diverse global perspectives has for South Africa’s own legal climate, in relation to the relative youth of our constitutional democracy, and the valuable insight that we can gain from other international legal authorities in the development of our own law, particularly regarding problems that are alien to us but well-explored in other countries.

My desire to learn at the Stockholm campus also rose from my fascination with the impacts of international law around the world, in terms of international conventions, the development of international customary law, and the peremptory norms of general international law and society, and the international legal tools concerning justice and criminal prosecution in the international sphere.

I also was motivated to apply to this programme due to the immense knowledge and legal skills it could afford me in gaining an understanding the co-existence and co-operation of various legal systems around the world in terms of developing international legal jurisprudence surrounding humanitarian, criminal and global health law.

Which courses did you choose and why did you choose them?

I partook in courses "International Criminal Law", and "International Law, Peace and Post-Conflict Transitions", which provided me with fascinating insight into systems of global criminal justice, accountability, and transitional justice, as well as the various inner-workings of international courts and mechanisms for peace in post-conflict situations. My favourite part of the course was definitely being involved in a mock peace negotiation wherein I had to champion for women's rights with rebel groups - certainly an entertaining and informative experience!

I chose the International Criminal Law course and International Law in Post-Conflict Transitions course programme, as I believed their subject matter is of crucial significance in securing justice for victims, preserving and promoting the rule of law worldwide, and securing world peace and avenues for harmony in international disputes and areas of conflict. I regard law as a powerful tool in strengthening global relations and preventing armed conflict which was a belief that was definitely materialised with real world examples, interesting prescribed journal articles, and scintillating academic debates through the work of these two courses- vital work that I hope to be a part of some day. By being able to study these two courses I believed I would be better equipped in achieving this goal one day, and I was correct, as I felt very enriched by these courses in terms of my understanding of the legal world.

What are your tips and tricks to make the most of the course(s) at SULaw?

Make sure you ask questions when you do not understand something, as well as read around a topic, not just the prescribed readings. And be certainly sure to engage with your classmates for their perspective – hearing the understandings of different legal minds from around the world definitely proved to be one of the most exciting parts of the course!

What did you enjoy the most during your stay in Stockholm?

It was a highly enriching experience wherein I was able to exchange ideas and participate in stimulating and rigorous academic discussion with sharp legal minds from around the globe. I enjoyed most the collaborative learning environment, different debates and discussions I had the joy of partaking in with other students as well as learning about the rich history and culture of Stockholm.

Why should other students choose to study our Summer programme?

It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience – the knowledge and insight I gained, as well as the incredible memories I made were truly unforgettable. Be sure to join this programme if you want to grow your mind, grow your perspective, and grow your friendship circle to international spaces, as in the space of a few short weeks I made some lifelong friends from all around the world, as well gained some invaluable knowledge about international law and legal perspective.

How would you summarize SULaw Summer programme with 3 words?

Unforgettable, enriching and invaluable.

Discover the courses Christina took at SULaw:

International Criminal Law

International Law, Peace and Post-Conflict Transitions

Please note that the course offer changes every year. To see the relevant course offer, always check the information on the following page:

SULaw's Summer Programme

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