Daniel Pinheiro Astone Awarded Prestigious Fellowship at Harvard Law School

Daniel Pinheiro Astone, a PhD student at the Department of Law at Stockholms University, has been admitted as a fellow at the renowned Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School.

Photo: Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School

The Department of Law at Stockholms University is proud to announce that our esteemed PhD student, Daniel Pinheiro Astone, has been awarded a prestigious fellowship at the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School. This highly sought-after opportunity was granted to Daniel after a long and competitive selection process, recognizing his exceptional abilities and commitment to his field of study.

Daniel will join the Institute for Global Law and Policy from August 2023 to May/June 2024, where he will focus on the final article that forms an integral part of his compilation (article-based) doctoral thesis. His research centers around a systems-theory approach to understanding the intricate dynamics of value flows within global value chains. Specifically, he delves into the transformation that occurs between use-value and exchange-value, highlighting the crucial role that law plays in mediating this process.

Undertaking such a significant academic endeavor abroad would not have been possible without the generous financial support Daniel received from the Hans Thornstedts Minnesfond. This support has proven instrumental in covering the high living costs associated with his stay in the United States, enabling him to fully immerse himself in his research and contribute to the advancement of legal scholarship.

Daniel Pinheiro Astone.

Daniel's admission as a fellow at the Institute for Global Law and Policy is a testament to his talent and dedication to his studies. This accomplishment not only reflects positively on Daniel's academic journey but also brings pride and recognition to the Department of Law at Stockholm University. We congratulate Daniel on this tremendous opportunity and eagerly anticipate the valuable contributions he will make to the field of law during his time at Harvard Law School.

Read more about Daniel and his research