DigPhil Seminar: Material philology and historical onomastic lexicography – digitally intertwined


Date: Thursday 7 March 2024

Time: 13.15 – 15.00

Location: Department of Linguistics, Room C307, and via Zoom

Michelle Waldispühl, University of Oslo, presents at the seminar.

Michelle Waldispühl presents the digitization project NordiCon, which aims to combine material philological approaches with interlinked linguistic data. The digital source contains personal names recorded in the fraternity book of Reichenau, a medieval German manuscript stored at the Central Library Zürich, Switzerland, and was developed in collaboration with Språkbanken at the University of Gothenburg (Waldispühl et al. 2020).

NordiCon is embedded in Språkbanken Text and connected to other data within and outside this infrastructure. Michelle will introduce the architecture of NordiCon, discuss philological and lexicographic considerations for specific digital solutions, and demonstrate the structure of the source by showcasing applications from a philological, linguistic, and historical perspective. As an outlook, she will discuss the
transferability of NordiCon’s approach and architecture to other historical sources.

Zoom-link to the seminar:https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/4531852268