List of elective courses (Master’s Programme in Language Science)

Here we present a number of courses given at departments that participate in the Master's Programme in Language Science. These courses may funtion as elective courses within the programme.

Photo by Niklas Björling

The Master's Programme in Language Science consists of 1) mandatory courses and 2) courses that you choose yourself from the range of courses offered by Stockholm University.

The number of elective courses varies between the different specialisations within the programme (see the programme overview of your specialisation).

You can search for courses in Stockholm University’s online catalogue or choose from the list below.

Please remember

  • to check the eligibility requirements and the language of instruction for the courses you wish to apply for
  • to always anchor your choice of courses with the contact person for your specialisation (for example the Director of studies, the study counsellor or programme coordinator).
  • to check the level of the courses you apply for. Courses should primarily be at second level, although there is a possibility to include a limited amount of first level courses. See degree requirements here

Below you will find suggestions for elective courses with English, Finnish, German or Spanish as the main language of instruction. For a list including courses in Swedish, please see the Swedish page:

Kurspool för masterprogrammet i språkvetenskap


Courses in Finnish are offered by the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German. These are all second level courses with Finnish as the language of instruction.

Autumn semester

Finnish, Linguistics Theory and Method (FAA701) 

Finnish, Literary theory and Methods (FAA702) 

Finnish, Syntax (FAB805) 

Spring semester 

Finnish, Phonology and Morphology (FAB804) 

Finnish, Semantics and Pragmatics (FAB806)


Courses in french are offered by the Department of Romance Studies and Classics. 


First level

Culture and politics in contemporary France (FR1KPB)
Distance learning course with English as the language of instruction.


These courses are offered by the Department of Linguistics. They are second level courses that have English as the language of instruction.

Autumn semester

Linguistic Typology (LIM025) 

Linguistic Theory and Methodology (LIM031)

Spring semester

Field Linguistics (LIM032) 

If you want to find more courses in linguistics that could be included in your Master's programme, after consulting the director of studies at the department, you can look at our National overview of open second level courses in linguistics HT24-VT25 (143 Kb) .

For courses with Swedish as the language of instruction, please see the page in Swedish.


The courses in German are offered by the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German. These are second level courses with German as the language of instruction.

Autumns semester

German, Linguistics 1, I (TYA704) 

German, Literature 1, I (TYA702)


Courses in Language Education are offered by the Department of Teaching and Learning. These are second level courses with English as the language of instruction.

Autumn semester

Language Education - Theory and Application (US545F) 

Third Language Research and Language Education (US543F) 

Issues in Language Teaching and Learning (US542F) 

Spring semester

Language Education - Theory and Application (US545F) 

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching (US541F) 

For more courses (with Swedish as the language of instruction) please see the page in Swedish.



These courses are offered by the Department of Romance Studies and Classics. They are all second level courses with English as the primary language of instruction.

Autumn semester

The Emergence of National Literatures in Romance Languages (RS71UN) 

Latin American thinking: socio-economic, political and cultural ideas (LA7102) 

Media in Latin America (LA4402) 

Spring semester

Democratization in Latin America: Citizenship, institutions and rule of law (LA7105) 

Gender and Post-colonialism in Latin America (LA7104)


Courses in Spanish are offered by the Department of Romance Studies and Classics. 

Autumn semester

Second level

Academic Spanish (ES5AKS) 
Language of instruction: Spanish

First level

Cervantes and the invention of the modern novel (ESCERV)
Language of instruction: English

Spring semester

Second level

Spanish, Discourse and Text Analysis (ES5512)
Language of instruction: Spanish

First level

Cervantes and the invention of the modern novel (ESCERV)
Language of instruction: English


Courses in Swedish as a Second Language are offered by the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism. 

Spring semester

Intercultural Pragmatics (NS7131) 

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