Congratulations to the department runners!

You might have noticed lots of people walking through campus on their way to Stora Skuggan yesterday afternoon. Well, this was because of the Convini run (formerly known as Bellmanstafetten).

Our all star team consisting of current and past MMK employees took part and finished in place 544 out of 771 with a total running time of 2:16:40.

This relay race makes the participants run 5 k each, in succession and is the largest relay event in Sweden!

This years team consisted of (from left to right in photo)

Tim Åström
Gunnar Svensson
Daniel Emanuelsson-Paulson
Mikael Kritikos
Frédéric Héraly

Mikael stepped in for Camilla Berg who could not participate due to an injury.

Congratulations to all of you :)